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Renewable Energy
Types of Renewable Energy:
Wind Energy
Solar Energy
Hydropowered Energy
Geothermal Energy
Biomass Energy
Solar Energy --- Solar Panels and Solar thermal electric energy (CSP)
There are two most common technologies which will harness the sun’s energy and make it into electricity.
1. Solar Panels (photovoltaics, or PV). We have seen these ahead of rooftops or on land.
At the point when the sun shines over a sun powered exhibit (the panel), photons from the light are splashed by the cells inside the panel, which makes an electrical field across the coverings, or layers, and makes the power stream, giving energy.
Several solar panels can be linked together to create a single solar panel. Residential solar energy comes from rooftop solar systems that power individual homes.
During cloudy days or at night, homeowners frequently need to enhance regular solar electric power supply to create energy. Even though this type of solar energy is becoming increasingly common, solar panels on a cloudy day do not work as well, depending on the thickness of the clouds. The thicker the clouds, the more difficult it is to get direct sunlight.
2. Solar thermal electric energy (CSP)
This solar technology is CSP (concentrating solar power), which is Solar thermal electric energy generation. CSP focuses the light from the sun to make heat, and that warmth is utilized to run a heated motor, which turns a generator to make power.
Wind Turbines
Wind turbines use the lift force of the rotor blades to convert wind energy into electricity. Thermal pressure on one side of the blade lowers when wind moves across it.
The change in atmospheric pressure across both sides of the blade creates lift and drag forces. The pressure of the lift is stronger than the drag pressure, which, in turn, causes the rotor to spin. Example: The wings on a plane; rotary wings on a helicopter; propellers.
Hydropower Energy
Hydro power is one of the most economically developed resource of renewable energy. By building a dam or barrier, a large body of water may be used to create a controlled circulation of water which will motor a turbine, generating electricity.
This energy source can often further be reliable than wind or solar power. This furthermore permits electricity to be stored for usage when demand reaches a peak.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal power is made creating heat from the center of the Earth.
Geothermal energy is a found in groundwater, which emerges to the surface as streams, natural aquifers, volcanoes, and water-spouts.
How Geothermal Energy Works
The heat from the Earth's core is used to generate geothermal energy.
A couple miles below into the planet’s surface a well lifts the rising hot water and steam upward, then the hot moisture ascends to the surface and presses a turbine, which drives a generator.
To generate geothermal energy, industries drill wells into the ground, hence piping steam or hot water to its surface. The hot water (or steam) generates a turbine that powers electricity.
The source then assembles power and sends it to electrical cables, therefore carry power to homes and organizations.
​Geothermal power plants do not burn fossil fuel to generate electricity, but they can emit small quantities of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Thus, these power plants produce clean energy.
The main technique of generating geothermal energy is power plants.
Geothermal Power Plants can withdraw energy without burning fossil fuel such as oil, gas, and coal.
These clean energy plants emit sulfur compounds that produce 97% less acid rain and approximately 99% less carbon dioxide than comparable sized fossil fuel power plants.
There are three basic types of geothermal power plants including Binary cycle power plants, Dry Steam Plants, and Flash steam plants.
Flash steam plants take high-powered hot water from far down inside the earth and change it to steam to drive an electric motor.
Then it condenses to water and is forced back through the ground to be used again when the steam cools. Most geothermal power plants are flash steam plants.
Binary cycle power plants shift the heat from geothermal hot water toward some other liquid. The heat causes the other liquid to turn to steam, which is used to power a generator turbine.
Dry steam plants use steam straight from a geothermal reservoir to rotate generator turbines.
Biomass Energy
Biomass has been used since individuals initially started consuming wood to prepare food and keep warm. Wood is yet the biggest biomass energy asset today. This is where fireplaces com into play, that is, burning of wood.
Different sources incorporate food crops, green and woody plants, deposits from horticulture or ranger service, oil-rich green growth, and the natural part of city and modern squanders.
Even the exhaust from landfills (which contains methane, the fundamental part in flammable gas) can be utilized as a biomass energy source.
Biomass can be applied for electricity and items that would somehow be produced using petroleum products.
Renewable Energy has been our new eco-friendly strategy to produce clean energy for businesses, organizations, corporations, as well as our homes. We will see more and more solar panels and wind turbines as time moves on into a cleaner world and reduce global warming, hence, climate change. Just as we are seeing more cleaner energy, more people are becoming aware of the importance of saving energy, and adopting a greener lifestyle.​
Just using renewable energy as part of your lifestyle would greatly create the advantage against climate change and global warming. This also includes driving electric cars instead of regular vehicles. Unfortunately, regular non-electric vehicles use non-renewable energy, burning fossil fuels and creating pollution into the air we breathe. Luckily though, electric cars are not on the market. I just wish electric cars were more affordable because they are more essential than regular cars. Electric cars do not emitted CO2 in the atmosphere and cause air pollution and abnormal heat and droughts.
I will like to put into notice that our oceans are getting polluted with plastic material, oil, and other substances that are not healthy for the environment. Because of this, scientists have found microplastics in the ocean water, even in the north and south poles. This causes ocean species to ingest them, get sick, and die. This also leads to the microplastics getting into our food supply, which is dangerous to our health. This is the carbon footprint that we need to prevent. I welcome everyone to recycle everything as much as possible.
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