Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a natural ingredient in our atmosphere. In a normal sense, it has always been a part of our atmosphere. However, too much of it can cause problematic changes to our weather, climate, and overall environment. For example, our sea levels are rising, especially nowadays. We are getting multiple heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and heavy rain. That said, too Much Carbon Emissions are Dangerously Affecting Our Planet in numerous ways.
What other climatic changes are going on that we need to worry about?
We been seeing dry climates in some areas of the world, such as the west side of the US, Australia, and other countries. These regions are noticing shifts in their weather patterns.
For the past couple years, and notably the year of 2021 and 2022, California and other western states have been getting wildfires and fire advisories. Most known wildfires are spreading throughout California and Australia.
Even smoke from the fires can be seen from space! This is just one of the many outcomes of climate change and global warming, which is a huge problem caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
Ocean levels rise as glaciers melt. This creates various problems by flooding our streets and destroying crops and habitats.
Carbon emissions in the air accelerate this process and are the main cause.
As the water gets warmer and expands, we also experience heavy rainfall and tropical storms.
This relates to the frequency of severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings.
It is unclear, however, how tornadoes relate to global warming. Tornadoes form from the instability in the atmosphere along with wind shear. Many states are seeing warmer temperatures along with higher humidity levels. This could cause instability that leads to the number of tornadoes we see in the United States.
Tornadoes are created by the blend of atmospheric instability and wind shear. Instability occurs when warm, moist air is trapped under very dry, cold air. This warm air rises, causing the intense updrafts and downdrafts seen in strong thunderstorms. This type of environment is ideal for tornadoes. Wind shear refers to the change in wind direction and speed at various levels in the air. The mix of instability and wind shear launches a rotating column of air linked with the tornado.
This process of atmospheric instability is similar to how thunderstorms form.
Thunderstorms are formed when warm, soggy air ascends into cold air.
The warm air becomes cooler, which causes moisture to create water droplets. As the cooled air sinks deeper into the atmosphere, it warms up and rises repeatedly.
Methane is the second most responsible gas to cause climate change and global warming. Although it is not as abundant in the air as carbon dioxide, it lasts longer in the atmosphere. CO2 already lasts for decades up there as it is. So global warming and the overall effects of climate change are constantly taking place.
Methane is the second most responsible gas to cause climate change and global warming. Although it is not as abundant in the air as carbon dioxide, it lasts longer in the atmosphere. CO2 already lasts for decades up there as it is. So global warming and the overall effects of climate change are constantly taking place.
Using less fuel and driving less will be a big help to clean up the air so we have better air quality. Planting more trees will help significantly to reduce the carbon emissions because trees absorb CO2 out of the atmosphere. Therefore, just doing a little something will help a lot.
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